Monday 6 July 2009

At the Al-Ghazali Weekend :: Alqueria de Rosales


My life my story said...

Very pretty! masha´allah!

caraboska said...

I like the neckline, the color scheme, the hijab is tied very neatly, it is a nice outfit masha'Allah!

oooo said...

a very pretty tunic, mashallah! So pink and girly! Lov it!

CareMuslimah said...

OMGOSH I love this clothes :D:D... awesome looking mashAllah!!.... I could marry that shirt. lol :P..

I'm sorry to ask, but I noticed 2 girls from the same place don't cover their necks.. is there a reason or it's just a coincidence?

xey said...

very, very adorable look, mA! love it!

Anonymous said...

Lovely outfit!

I don't presume to know why these sisters don't cover there necks... but I will ask one question:
Have you ever been to Spain during the summer?

Though these sisters look incredibly fresh and cool-- Spain in the summer is scorchingly hot!!!!

CareMuslimah said...

I have been there during the summer, I know it's hot. But I assume countries like Saudi are hotter and sisters are covered from head to toe, it's all about fabric I guess. That's why I ask if there's an specific reason or it's just a coincidence, I still think the clothes and the sisters are beautiful mashAllah :)

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, they are showing their the haram police! Come on ladies, there is more than one way to wear hijab!