Wednesday, 3 June 2009

After Punting :: Cambridge


Anonymous said...

i love the way she ties her hijab....i don't know how she got around doing it

Anonymous said...

booooooottiful mA xx

xey said...

OMG, I love her style, mA.

Camilla L. said...

Oi, everybody! Assalamo aleicom! I recently discovered this blog and it´s a part of my routine activities from now to check it daily! :-D It was a great idea to show the muslim women on their normal lives, with their own styles. It´s good to inspire the other muslim girls like me, that has access to clothes that mostly are not always suitable with our religious code. Here I know how to mix those indiscreet clothes, transforming it on a way I can wear and feel comfortable! :-) Congratulations to the girls here an to the owner! :-) One suggestion: these last posts atracted me because they´re wearing more soft clothes, that are more suitable to girls who live in tropical areas, like northeast of Brazil.